What to do if your Filling Comes Out?

/ Mini Articles

Hakeem Mini Presents Dental Don’ts

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Crunch…crack…you feel like there was something in your food…you take out the partially chewed bite and can’t make out what caused the mouth tension. At the very next moment, your tongue makes its round and you feel the hole. There it is…a massive hole…a filling that made its escape.

1. I just lost my filling. Will that make any difference in my eating habits?

Yes! Depending on where it is, you will feel the sensitivity especially when you have food items that are cold or warm. There might be a stinging sensation as well and this is because your tooth tissue has been exposed. Furthermore, whenever you eat, your food will get stuck in the hole. If not brushed and taken care of, the food will start to cause tooth decay and worsen the situation.

2. My filling-less tooth is not sensitive. Do I need an emergency dental appointment?

A filling falling out is not a great emergency but one should get the tooth treated in some days at most. You see, if you keep it as it is, the tooth will start to develop cavities, and not only will there be pain, but you may no longer require a filling but a root canal and that is an expensive, long, and painful procedure as compared to a filling.

3. What will happen when I go to the dentist?

The most probable option is that the dentist will examine your tooth and give you a new filling however the tooth might have complications and there are other things that the dentist might suggest a root canal, crown, or cap if there is a deep cavity and exposure to the tooth’s nerve. In rare situations, the loss of a filling or fractured tooth may be so severe that the only option is extraction. If this happens, your oral surgeon and dentist will present a treatment plan to replace your tooth with a fixed or removable bridge or a dental implant.

4. What types of fillings are there?

There are different types of filings. If it’s a molar or a premolar, you may have the choice of an amalgam (silver) filling or composite and glass ionomer (tooth-colored) material. If it’s a front tooth (incisor or canine), the best aesthetic choice is a composite and glass ionomer filling. Since your back teeth do the most work (lots of chewing), your dental professional may use amalgam filling because it’s a more robust material and will last longer. One thing to note, since many fillings are highly visible, many dental professionals let their patients make the decision.

5. I have gotten a filling. How do I prevent it from getting loose, chipping, or coming out again?

No filling will last forever however there are some tips for making a filling last longer:

·      Avoiding chewing hard foods

·      Exercise proper dental hygiene (brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and use floss)

·      Drink water instead of sugary or acidic beverages like soda

·      Try to not drink beverages that stain such as coffee and tea

·      Avoid sugary foods

·      Use alcohol-free mouthwash to prevent bacteria build-up

·      Don’t use tobacco products

·      Visit the dentist for annual check-ups

·      Avoid clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth


To help keep your fillings from falling out, routine dental care appointments are essential. During these appointments, your dental professional can uncover potential problems. He or she may identify open margins or uneven wear before you realize you have a problem. You’ll also learn proper oral hygiene instructions to help control bacterial plaque, a leading cause of tooth decay!


Hello, I'm Ayesha and I would love to hear your feedback. P.S If you want to be featured on the Hakeem website, send me an email at [email protected]!

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What to do if your Filling Comes Out?
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