7 Questions To Ask Your Dentist Today
Why is a routine checkup so important?
According to many dentists, almost all of them say that you should book an appointment every 6 months with your dentist for a checkup. The checkup would include cleaning and polishing your teeth, scaling of any plaque or residue, checking for gum diseases, checking if you need any alignment treatments or surgical adjustments.
Are there clear causes for decay?
Decay can occur in a multitude of ways; it can be caused by many different mixtures of ingredients or foods that mix together with the saliva of your mouth and causing chipping, decay, breakdown of the enamel, and much worse. It would be good to understand what kinds of foods you’re eating are causing your teeth to get decays or gum issues.
How do we take care of children’s teeth properly?
Children’s teeth differ entirely from those of adults, so a routine to take care of them would of course be different. If you are not seeing a pediatric dentist, then you should ask your dentist about how to take care of your child’s teeth in the best possible way. You could also ask about the difference between baby teeth and new teeth, as well as teething gels to soothe their gums.

What kind of toothpaste is the best for me?
Walking in the supermarket to get your toothpaste you could be lost to get the best one. It is a good idea to ask your dentist about different types of toothpastes that you can use. Some might have a great amount of fluoride; some might help you with gum diseases, some might also help you get rid of bad breath or other plaque removal techniques.
Is there anything that I need to avoid or restrict when it comes to my teeth?
Receiving treatment for anything requires you to watch your daily lifestyle closely, including your diet, physical movement, and emotional condition. So, it is natural that you should ask about what to avoid in order to not hinder the treatment. Sometimes you don’t need to avoid or restrict anything at all, but it is better to know and be safe than to be sorry that you didn’t remember to ask.
Should I see a specialist for further treatment?
All of us should ask this when we see any doctor, more so when it comes to cosmetic issues or skin issues. Most GPs would have basic knowledge about complicated issues, so you need to make sure you get an expert opinion on this matter, especially for topical medicines. Getting multiple expert opinions can also be a great way to understand your condition. This is not to say that the expert dentist you trust is wrong or not experienced enough, but some dentists have better techniques and technologies to detect different conditions.

What will that cost, and will my insurance cover seeing a specialist?
Understanding pricing and cost is very important. Although misconceptions of “the more expensive the better” is instilled in a lot of patients. However, this may not be true. You may not need the expensive treatment because the simple treatment is what works for your condition. Take different opinions and do your own research to further understand how much you should pay for treatment from specialists.
Insurance is also very important, some of us may not be able to afford some treatments, and knowing that the clinic or dentist accepts your insurance could possibly save you money. Ask about insurance before booking your appointment to avoid any uncomfortable encounters. This will also help you decide on how to pay for the treatment and the aftercare.
**Ask your own questions. You can also have a look at these tips on how to get better medical attention Read: Top Dentists in Dubai
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