Bun in the Oven – 6 Pregnancy Hacks
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably pregnant, planning to be pregnant or your wife is pregnant and you need a few tricks up your sleeve to make these nine months pass by smoothly. Whatever the reason may be, Hakeem has got you covered.
Despite the morning sickness, weight gain and sudden mood swings, carrying a baby is a beautiful feeling every woman desires. For all the ladies who’ve got a bun in the oven, here are some pregnancy hacks to make this time memorable!
1. Be prepared for the unpredictable
Even though this is more of an advice than a hack, it will help you be at peace and make better use of this hack list. You should know that as each woman’s body is unique and so no pregnancy story is the same. Whilst all women aim for a low-risk pregnancy, there can be complications. You may not crave for the noodles your sister had throughout her pregnancy, you might not have headaches like your friend Sarah did, hence it is important to understand your pregnancy by getting it monitored from the very start.
“No two pregnancies are the same! When I got pregnant for the very first time, I had severe pelvic pain. An early diagnosis was done and I found out that the pregnancy was ectopic which is quite rare. It was a very hard time for my husband and me. My advice would be to get your pregnancy checked throughout.”– Abida, mother of two boys.

2. Invest in a pregnancy pillow
Pregnancy pillows are a must-have. During pregnancy, many women experience lower joint and back pain. Pregnancy pillows help minimize the trouble by letting you sit and sleep in a comfortable position. If you’re an avid traveler, carrying the portable pillow with you can help you sleep better no matter what your surrounding is.
“My pregnancy pillow is my best friend! It helps eliminate my hip pain and lets me sleep like a baby!”- Halima, mother-to-be.

3. Know the tricks to relieve morning sickness
Here are some tips to get rid of that nasty morning sickness:
· Keep healthy snacks such as homemade granola bars, fruit and coconut water on your bedside so that when you wake up you can fuel your body.
· Eat in little portions but eat throughout the day. The small portions will help your body digest the food and by eating throughout the day you’re making sure that you’re not missing out on any nutrients.
· Try not to sleep right after you’ve had a meal because you might feel nauseous after.
· If you cannot drink a lot of water, which to healthy fluids but stay hydrated.
If you think feel nauseated throughout the day or believe that it’s impacting your day to day life, make sure to get it checked as elevated morning sickness can cause anxiety, depression and other complications.
“No matter how much you have to urinate, drink a lot of water! Especially if you have a hormonal imbalance. And apple cider might not work for everyone but it cured my heartburn!”- Shweta, mother of a baby girl.

4. Make your body comfortable
For these nine months, break-free from the societal norms! You’re bringing a life into the world and it’s your time to shine. A comfortable and healthy body will give birth to a happy baby. It is completely fine to give in to those occasional cravings. Many mothers-to-be rely on yoga pants and sports bras for a pleasant pregnancy. Stretchable wear allows your body to breathe.
“I swear by a freezing bra! Put your bra in the freezer if you feel sweaty and uncomfortable. It also helps with sore and tender breasts.” – Faizah, mother of twin girls and a baby boy.

5. Educate yourself
You probably have a lot of questions in your mind and it is natural. Educate yourself about how pregnancies work. Read a book, watch an informative show, talk to other mothers, subscribe to Hakeem and open up during your prenatal checkups so that your doctor can address all your concerns.
“My wife and I did two things in both of her pregnancies. We read, read and read. And secondly, we scheduled all her prenatal appointments beforehand with a trusted gynecologist.”- Saleem, father of a boy and a girl.

6. Track your weight
Weight gain is inevitable. Like they say, you have to eat for two. Whilst it is important to enjoy the journey to motherhood, it is sensible to track the changes. With the weight gain being tracked, you can monitor your eating habits. Shedding off the extra pounds after the bundle of joy arrives isn’t fairly easy! So eat healthy!
“I did not gain extra weight when Shella was being born but with Eisha, my second one, I gained massively! I think it is great to have a nutritionist on board to guide you throughout.” - Dunai, mother of two girls.

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