Your New Guide to
Greetings earthlings,
A lot has changed in Meddy and we talked with the team behind the development to get you all the deets without the technical bustle.
Meddy’s wonderful engineering team has finalized the latest version of Meddy’s website.
Here’s what changed: New design

More doctor Search options in

More amazing doctors in Qatar and UAE

Of course, this doesn’t do the website justice as it is a lot more than just these highlighted features. According to the engineering team, Yasser El-Sayed, Abdulla AlKhenji, and Julian Sam, the website is now faster than ever.
“We wanted to create an experience for the user where they felt comfort and safety when they looked for a doctor,” explained El-Sayed. “The new design has clean aesthetics that can provide the user with secure easy navigation.”
What’s more is that with lots of patient feedback and doctor recommendations, the engineering team could add more information that was helpful including subspecialties to the doctors, as well as treatments. “Finding a doctor isn’t just about where he/she studied or where he/she works, we added more information to help you find the best doctor to serve your needs,” said El-Sayed.
The new features include a search by area option to further help users in finding what they are looking for in no time. “The design aims to make you feel safe and comfortable, so we try to show you the doctors closer to you to make you feel just as safe and comfortable,” said Sam.

The newest feature highlighted is the healthcare blog. Used to further delve into the doctors and what they are like in person, the blog focuses on providing users the information they need about doctors that are not on their profiles. This** includes their type of personality, their aspirations as medical professionals, and their opinions** about the most important issues in the medical field in Qatar.
With more sorting options comes new doctors to explore. “We keep adding doctors to allow the patients to have more control over their choices. They can find doctors closer to their homes or their work, find more doctors for their children and family,” said Al Khenji.
Being the fastest version of Meddy so far, the website is also more secure. “We removed the man-in-the-middle attack, so when you are sitting at Starbucks or in public, and want to book an appointment, your personal data is securely going to the doctor only, with no interference from network hackers or leaked data,” explained AlKhenji. This also allows the website engineers to detect any errors and fix them immediately to make sure that your data and information shared is secure.
AlKhenji also stated that because of the optimized data and secure connection, using Meddy now doesn’t use up a lot of your phone’s data, so you can browse the site longer, perhaps even get a look at the latest blog post.
Insurance information on each doctor on Meddy is also a new feature being added. However, it’s not just that, insurance coverage plans are also going to be available soon as the website becomes optimized for your comfort. Not only would you know which doctor accepts your insurance, but which plan they accept as well.

With even better news on the horizon, Meddy is expected to be bigger and better in the next couple of months as it expands to Bahrain and Dubai, with more instant bookings, better user experience, and better doctors just for you!
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